One Green Planet Green Monster App

One Green PlanetIt is with excitement and enthusiasm I write to let you know about the launch of One Green Planet’s #EatForThePlanet App. I was very pleased to try out an early preview of the app, to see what our friends at One Green Planet had come up with.

I have over the years shared many of my recipes over the years on their site, just because I felt they were good recipes rather than just sharing them because they were random vegan recipes, some of my favorites being the Alur Dom or Bengali Pot Roasted Potatoes or the ever popular Bengali Shingaras, that my son’s team demolishes on sight. Like me, countless others have shared their favorite recipes to make the site one of the largest and very delicious collections of vegan recipe online. Now, we have these recipes all searchable in a single app.

The app is colorful and beautifully designed and very user friendly and can be downloaded here. The app is full of beautiful high resolution photographs that will get you over 5,000 plant based recipes at your fingertips offering you a beautiful selection of vegan dishes available at your fingertips.

Appropriately launched on earth day, this app is going to be useful for us for all days to come. I encourage you to take a look, chances are like me you will enjoy having the convenience of all your favorite recipes available at your fingertips.

Green Planet App

I downloaded the app on one of my commutes, and have been perusing it since. The pictures I am sharing here are actually downloaded from phone screenshots, so you get the idea.

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